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​Your Advisor

Vince Dragonetti

Vince Dragonetti

Expert Witness with a specialized skill whose opinion may help make sense

of factual evidence from a former practitioner and instructor to both college students and professionals in the respective fields working with attorneys, corporations, broker dealers, police agencies, and Insurance Underwriters

   Real Estate commercial & businesses:  buy/sell, valuations, ethics, law,       

     proper disclosures including but limited to environmental
   Insurance:  ethics, fraud, law, client suitability, and churning
   Securities:  fraud, advice and product suitability, law, churning, ethics

   Semi retired after over 30 years in the related fields.  Licenses held in real estate (Broker), Life and Health Insurance (Annuities, Long Term Care, Life) Securities (primarily in overall planning, budget control, & retirement)

After coming from a working class family I worked and fully paid my way

thru college and all future licensing and courses then graduating from MSU with a degree in Business Education.  Then attended U of M graduate school specializing in Administration.  As planned taught school for 7 years and moved directly into property investment, started a local property association

and later became Vice President of our State.  Self employed from then

forward advising small businesses and business valuation and brokerage lead me to two tripe to the Persian Gulf of 6 weeks each advising small business "Ex Pats".  Soon began my road into my now specialities I offer to you.  Coming from

and early education background has led to an excellent fit into  advising.

Some situations with attorneys have led to one on one sessions with their clients on information gathering onto much deeper litigations against professional in the field for various type of problems.

My work has been primarily limited to the state of Michigan but have been retained in work involving six states.

I also tend to work in a positive situation and in no way opt to gain in a

situation that improves my personal gain thru antagonizing your situation

with your clients whatsoever.